What do I need to play D&D?

What do I need to play D&D? Mortal Worlds

What do I need to play D&D?

The gist of what you need to play D&D and Pathfinder is quite simple.

  • Set of dice (d4, d6, d8, d10, d10, d12, d20)
  • A pencil (and an eraser)
  • Character sheet (system specific)

Most players expand their equipment over time. They purchase dice bags, dice chests, character journals, and so on. So, let's go through why you need each piece and then give some product recommendations to start your first game.

Dice are more than tools; they're the heartbeat of every decision, every battle, and every dramatic story twist in TTRPGs.


Choosing a Set of Dice

Any old set of seven dice will do!


Most players want something that will reflect their character. So, here at Mortal Worlds, we recommend shopping around and finding a set of dice you will be happy with for a long time. While any set will do, selecting one that resonates with your character's personality or style adds a magical touch. Consider material, weight, and balance.

Often, tabletop role-playing games, such as Dungeons and Dragons and Pathfinder campaigns, can last a long time. Dice trading is quite common, as is losing one or two of your favorite sets!

That problem can be solved by investing in a dice chest or dice bag. Both can be found at the bottom of this article if you are so inclined.

One final note on dice: Before you get to the game, it might be best to try and understand the different types – d4, d6, d8, d10 (percentile, two d10's), d12, and d20 – and how they impact gameplay.

Explore our curated list of artisan dice sets, from beginner-friendly options to exotic handcrafted pieces.


A Pencil.

Pencils are like currency during a tabletop game. Often, when coming to a game, you'll hear others say the common D&D phrase...

'I forgot my pencil.'

So, you must decide on your strategy here. You can get a unique pencil, one that is super duper special to you, or you can get a lot of pencils and choose to share.

A dual approach might be best. Have one pencil that is unique to you (and perhaps quite expensive) and a bulk set of pencils to supply other players when they inevitably forget their own.


The Right Character Sheet!

Consult with your Dungeon Master (who runs the game), and ask if he or she will supply character sheets. If you still need to, you'll want to print off the right one.

You can do this by asking your Dungeon Master to supply you with a link to the correct sheet and show up with it in hand.

The reason you need this is a bit abstract. Essentially, these sheets are the soul of your character, containing all the vital information from backstory to abilities. Character sheets hold your inventory as well. All of the information on your character sheet will be absolutely vital to gameplay.

Some critical points on character sheets:

  • You will use this for a long time. You should invest in a binder or folder for it. 
  • Keep it protected and away from drinks.
  • Bring a backup sheet just in case anything happens to your current one (potentially even making a digital backup)


You're All Set!

Now, you have everything you need to play the game. Players often want to spice things up with accessories or peripherals that make the game more exciting and aesthetically pleasing.

Therefore, we've compiled a list that can be found below of the most common dungeon and dragons accessories and peripherals.

It's important to understand these are not needed to play that game. These are extras, so the game is a bit more fun, and so you can impress your friends basically.


Miniatures and Figures

There are a multitude of websites out there for designing your own figurines. You can even build one that represents your character and all the gear they currently have.

Now, be careful here. It's easy to slip into a rabbit hole and find yourself with over a thousand mini figurines in your closet that have all been hand-painted.

If that's your thing, no hate, just... Be careful.


Dice Chests and Dice Bags

A dice chest or dice bag is a perfect investment. Most players become colloquially known as a 'dice goblin,' slowly hoarding dice that become progressively more expensive over time.

First, it's a nice acrylic set that represents your character. Next, a nicer set with sharp edges.

It will be slow.

Next thing you know, you're dropping $200.00 on an opal set of dice that can only be rolled on a felt liner and kept in a steel engraved box you save on your mantle. Only to be moved once a year on Christmas.

I am one of these people.

For the dice goblins out there, we sell all of these dice on the Mortal Worlds Shop. The refined dice goblins might prefer our luxury collection or the precious stone collection, which is featured on our front page.

Anyhow, a nice dice chest or dice bag is a great place to store all of your hoard, and some even come with partitions to keep your sets nice and tidy!


Dice Mats and Dice Trays

These are rolling surfaces that prevent expensive dice from damage. Some dice, like glass or precious stone sets, can be damaged if repeatedly rolled on hard surfaces.

Often, these dice trays and dice mats are felt-lined or made with soft leather to protect the dice and keep them from rolling off the table. Dice chests and mats come highly recommended and are a welcome gift for any D&D or TTRPG player.


Campaign Journals

A log of your adventures comes in handy when settling historical disputes and finding long-lost items that have been in the bag holding MK II for over a year.

There are many iterations of campaign journals; some come with lined paper, others in a moleskin journal style. But, at Mortal Worlds, we stick to the lined paper with wide margins.

The margins are fantastic for doodles and drawings, whereas the lines keep things organized and tidy.


Wrap Up

Ready to venture forth? We hope you feel more prepared now. As said in the beginning, all your essential products can be found here on Mortal Worlds.

Visit the Mortal World's shop or see our favorites in the list below to find your perfect adventuring gear and step boldly into the realm of legend and lore.

Let your journey begin!


Player Essentials



Extras and Tabletop Peripherals


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